Overview of Deep Learning Basics – II

Convolution Neural Network


Among the various deep learning models such as stacked auto-encoders [1], deep Boltzmann machines [2], deep conventional extreme learning machines [3], deep belief networks [4], etc., CNN based models are the most powerful for image segmentation. CNNs were introduced by Fukushima et al. [5] as a self-organizing neural network (Neocognition) that uses the hierarchical receptive field of the visual cortex. Later, Waibel et al. [6] and LeCun et al. [7] proposed shared weights approach (forward propagation) and parameters tuning (backpropagation) for phoneme recognition and document recognition respectively. The main advantage of CNNs over MLP is that shared weights in the network significantly reduces the number of trainable parameters without the degradation of the performance.

Generally, CNNs involve three types of layers: convolution, activation, and pooling. The sequence of these layers forms a complete model, where each unit is compiled from the weights of the neighbouring units to form continuously increasing wider receptive field [8]. Finally, similar to the MLP, the class probabilities are predicted by applying softmax activation in the output layer and the network is trained to minimize the loss or objective function. Following from these notions, many state-of-the-art CNN models are developed like AlexNet [9], VGGNet [10], ResNet [11], GoogLeNet [12], MobileNet [13], DenseNet [14], etc., to address the wide variety of tasks in deep learning.

Convolution Layer

In the convolution layer, feature maps are generated by convolving the kernel or filter of trainable parameters (weights) with the input, to highlight and learn complex representations. The convolution operation requires to set certain hyperparameters like kernel size, number of filters, and amount of padding (number of pixels added around the image before convolution) and strides (by how many pixels the kernel should slide). To the best of our knowledge, height and width dimensions of the input feature maps are always kept the same and kernel size is always set as an odd number to offer symmetry around the output pixels. With continuous advancements, many variants of convolution layers have been proposed like atrous convolution [15], transposed convolution [16], depthwise separable convolution [17], spectral convolution [18], inception convolution [19], etc., for various application areas. All these convolution variations are most widely used in the segmentation approaches.

Schematic representation of standard convolution
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of standard convolution.

Fig. 1 presents the standard 2D convolution operation along with the number of parameters and multiplications incurred for some input feature map, \mathcal{F}^{(i)}\in\mathbb{R}^{w\times h\times d}, with width w, height h and depth d, to generate output feature map, \mathcal{F}^{(o)}\in\mathbb{R}^{p\times q\times r}, where dimension w \times h \times d \mapsto p \times q \times r. The output dimension, \mathcal{D}_c(p,q,r) can be computed prior to the convolution operation using Eq.1. Eq.2 presents the mathematical formulation of the convolution operation with a kernel or a filter, \mathcal{K}_{f^2\times r}\in \mathbb{R}^{f\times f\times d\times r}, where f represents the kernel size, r indicates number of filters and d is depth of the kernel, same as input.

(1)   \begin{equation*}\mathcal{D}_{c}\left(p,q,r\right)=\left(\left\lfloor \frac{w+2p-f}{s}+1\right\rfloor ,\left\lfloor \frac{h+2p-f}{s}+1\right\rfloor ,r\right) ;s\in Z^{+}, p\in{N}\end{equation*}

where s and p denotes the amount of strides with range as a set of positive integers (Z^+) and padding as a set of natural numbers (N) respectively.

(2)   \begin{equation*}\centering\mathcal{F}^{(o)}\left({\mathcal{K}_{f^2\times r}}*\mathcal{F}^{(i)}\right)_{p,q,r}=\bigcup _{r}\sum _{j=1}^{w}\sum _{k=1}^{h}\mathcal{K}_{j,k}\mathcal{F}^{(i)}_{p+j,q+k}\end{equation*}

where \underset{r}{\bigcup} indicates the convolution operation is performed r times, where each output is concatenated along the depth axis.

It can be observed that for 3D input and 3D filter, the operation is termed as 2D convolution, this is because the depth of the filter is same as input, and filter slides in two dimensions (horizontally and vertically). However, the same operation can also be extended to perform 3D convolutions for 3D volumes, especially in the biomedical imaging. Hence, for some 3D volume, \mathcal{F}^{(i)} \in \mathbb{R}^{w\times h\times d \times c}, the convolution can be formulated using Eq.2, by appending another dimension as shown in Eq.3, and also the corresponding output dimension can be computed similarly to 2D.

(3)   \begin{equation*}\centering\mathcal{F}^{(o)}\left({\mathcal{K}_{f^3\times s}}*\mathcal{F}^{(i)}\right)_{p,q,r,s}=\bigcup_{s}\sum _{j=1}^{w}\sum_{k=1}^{h}\sum _{l=1}^{d}\mathcal{K}_{j,k,l}\mathcal{F}^{(i)}{p+j,q+k,r+l}\end{equation*}

where ({\mathcal{K}_{f^3\times s}}*\mathcal{F})_{p,q,r,s} indicates the extracted feature maps using s number of 3D kernels, \mathcal{K}\in\mathbb{R}^{f\times f\times f\times d\times s}.

Activation Layer

The activation layer tends to add non-linearity in the learning process by applying certain functions [20] on the input feature maps. The added non-linearity aids in discovering and learning more complex patterns in the subsequent convolution layers. Besides, it is observed that an ideal activation function must possess the following features for optimal learning in the deep learning models:

  • Avoid activation shift to 0: If the value of activation lies between 0 and 1 then eventually the activation gradient will converge to zero and there will not be any more learning in the model. This is popularly known as the vanishing gradient problem. For instance, this problem may occur in deep networks that have sigmoid or tanh activations in the hidden layer (between the input and output layer) of the network. This is because sigmoid and tanh squeeze the activations in the defined range (0,1) and (-1,1) respectively. Therefore, these activations are rarely used in the hidden layer but can be utilized in the output layer for binary classification.
  • Symmetric: The activation function should be zero centered i.e. symmetric around the origin. This is because the gradient of the activation function, computed during backpropagation, should not get shifted to a particular direction.
  • Computation: Since activation functions are associated with every layer to add non-linearity, these should be made computationally inexpensive.
  • Differentiable: The activations should have continuous nature so that the output of every layer is differentiable at every point during backpropagation.

Ramachandran et al. [21] presented popular non-linear activations that are employed in the deep learning models along with its respective advantages and disadvantages. The activation functions such as sigmoid, tanh, ReLU and its variants, are most common among the popular deep learning models. However, it is observed that no activation function matches the properties concerning the ideal activation function, thereby leaving the further scope of development and enhancement to contribute in this area of deep learning.

Pooling Layer

Followed from the convolution and activation layer, the pooling layer applies statistical transformations (mean, average, max, etc.) to the feature maps which induces the translation invariance in the model. The primary goal of this layer is to reduce the dimension of the input feature to speed up the computation without the involvement of any weights or training parameters. This layer requires two hyperparameters, window size (f\times f) and amount of stride (s), where values of f and s are generally kept 2. For some feature map, \mathcal{F}^{(i)}\in\mathbb{R}^{w\times h\times d}, the 2\times 2 pooling operation (P_o \in {\mathrm{max, average, mean,}…}) can be presented with Eq.4, to produce output feature map, \mathcal{F}^{(o)}\in\mathbb{R}^{w/2\times h/2\times d}, and the corresponding output dimensions, \mathcal{D}_p can be computed using Eq.5. Akhtar et al. [22] recently presented a detailed review on the various pooling variants classified based on value, probability, domain transformation and rank. However, in the deep learning models, most widely used pooling approaches are max pooling and average pooling, where max pooling aims to preserve the high intensity feature values and average pooling preserves the mean of intensity values. Besides, it depends on the feature distribution and task requirement to opt for a certain type of pooling operation.

(4)   \begin{equation*}\mathcal{F}^{(o)}=\underset{j,k\in {0,1}}{P_o}\left(\mathcal{F}^{(i)}_{2w+j,2h+k,d}\right)\end{equation*}

(5)   \begin{equation*}\mathcal{D}_p\left(w',h',d\right)=\left(\left\lfloor \frac{w-f}{s}+1\right\rfloor ,\left\lfloor \frac{h-f}{s}+1\right\rfloor ,d\right) ;s\in Z^{+}\end{equation*}


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