RCA-IUnet: A residual cross-spatial attention guided inception U-Net model for tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound imaging

Publication details The paper is published in the journal of Springer Machine Vision and Applications in 2022: click here Abstract To automate the process of delineation to highlight or identify…

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Automated Diagnosis of COVID-19 with Limited Posteroanteriorchest X-ray Images using Fine-tuned Deep Neural Networks

Publication details The paper is published in the journal of Springer Applied Intelligence in 2020: click here. Abstract The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory syndrome that resembles pneumonia.…

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Multi-modality encoded fusion with 3D inception U-net and decoder model for brain tumor segmentation

Publication details The paper is published in the journal of Springer Multimedia Tools and Application in 2020: click here. Abstract For any radiologist, identification and segmentation of brain tumor (gliomas)…

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Inception U-Net Architecture for Semantic Segmentation to Identify Nuclei in Microscopy Cell Images

Publication Details The paper is published in the journal of ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) in 2020: click here Abstract Most of the analysis requires nuclei…

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